Well last night i spent the night at my sister Shazza's house and my baby girl Monique got a razor and took a bit off the tip of her nose. I saw it and started yelling she's taken the top of her nose off (Shaz was on computer) she jump out of her seat throw the computer and to her surprise it was just a little scratch.
I'm not good with blood. I scared the shit out of myself, shaz and Monique.
Monique cried for about an hour i scared her so much and than Shaz started to re-enact what i did. WELL i started to cry and she just looked at me and said while pissing her self laughing your not good with BLOOD are ya!
She than grabbed me and gave me a big hug. Just what i needed from my beautiful BIG sister.
Love you Shazz .......Heaps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!